Why Put A Bow Tie On A Llama?
Have you ever thought “is this my life?”
Have you ever imagined you’re lying on your deathbed and looking back wondering “what did I do with my life?”
“How many people will be at my funeral, what will I have achieved?”
I often wonder this – perhaps I have an inbuilt fear of not making the most of my life and if this is a fear that you experience, then I hope you will find solace in what I have written. It’s a guide to making the most of your life and I want to share my story with you. I hope that how I went from stressed-out NHS Director to the Managing Director of a multi-award-winning quirky wedding venue with bow tie-wearing Llamas and the lessons I learned along the way, will help you follow my lead and translate your own ‘crazy’ idea into a personal and business success.
Sometimes I look back as I gaze out of the window at the farm and I just think ‘WOW’.
So who have I written this book for?
Wannabe business owners – Maybe you are fed up and frustrated with your job and you’d love the freedom to be a business owner/entrepreneur. Perhaps you already have an idea about starting a business and you need some guidance on how to test your idea and implement it.
Business owners – Maybe you are a business owner and your business just isn’t unique enough – it’s not standing out from a crowded marketplace and you are looking for creative ways and help to achieve this.
Facing a mid-life or quarter-life crisis – Could it be that you are fed up with your work and reflecting on your career so far – you want more out of your life but you are wondering what on earth you can do.
Supplier in the wedding or hospitality industry – Maybe you are a supplier and you want to grow your business and are searching for inspiration.
Farmer/Land Owner – Or perhaps you are even a farmer and are looking for ways to diversify your farm – you’re looking into whether hosting weddings could be the answer, but you aren’t sure how to start.
What you’ve all got in common is a crazy idea. If you have that idea, don’t let anyone stop you, take the gamble. You only have one life, don’t waste it all thinking ‘what if’? Live your life now and give it a go – what have you got to lose?
You only get one chance at life so don’t waste it. Be brave and follow your passion – this book will show you how